
Transition to Teaching

It’s tough out there for newcomers to the teaching profession in Ontario. Teacher unemployment and underemployment rates rose yet again in 2013.

Every year, more of Ontario’s teacher education graduates look beyond Ontario’s borders for work in the profession. Many work in non-teaching jobs to meet financial needs and few, regardless of geographical region or division of qualifications, escape the challenging job market.

The College’s Transition to Teaching survey looks at the early careers of new Ontario teachers. This annual study began in 2001. At that time, Ontario was in the midst of a retirement-driven teacher shortage that started in 1998 and lasted about five years.

How times have changed.

It became clear nine years ago that a surplus of teachers relative to available jobs was emerging. This surplus has grown steadily since 2005.

The Transition to Teaching 2013 study of new teachers, in the 2012-2013 school year, examines:

What was it like to be a new teacher in 2013? Read our exclusive survey to find out.

Infographic : 50% of first-year regular teaching jobs are found in private schools outside the provinceInfographic : 3 out of 5 only found supply, part-time and /or multiple-school teaching jobs

Infographic : First-Year UnemploymentInfographic : 1 out of 3 french-language teachers secured regular jobs in ontario by year-end

Infographic : 1 out of 4 find as much teaching work as they want in their first year

First-year teacher job outcomes in Ontario and outside Ontario

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Underemployed and unemployed by year of survey
French-language program graduates  

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First-year teachers with regular teaching jobs by year of graduation and language   


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Percentage of first-year teachers with regular teaching jobs

Bar Graph


Employment outcomes for different first year new-teacher groups

Bar Graph


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