Committees at Work

Quality Assurance Committee

Council’s Quality Assurance Committee reviews the performance of the College relative to its objects as defined in the Ontario College of Teachers Act and ensures that the objects are achieved. The committee reviews each of the 11 objects and identifies opportunities to further support their achievement. The committee also reviews the College’s work related to Council’s Strategic Priorities.

In 2020, the committee received a presentation delivered by the Standards of Practice and Education Unit on its various responsibilities, including the development of Additional Qualification guidelines. The Investigations and Hearings Department provided an update on its work and initiatives to enhance the performance and transparency of the investigation and discipline process. The Policy and Research Unit completed presentations on the registration appeals process and the process for making legislative, regulatory and bylaw amendments.

Quality Assurance

  • Godwin Ifedi (a) (Vice-Chair) (to March 18)
  • Todd Lalonde (a) (from July 8)
  • Marlène Marwah (a) (to November 28)
  • Nancy Saunders, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)
  • Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (e)
  • Stephen Zimmermann, OCT (e) (Chair)

(a) = appointed
(e) = elected