
Complaints, Investigations & Discipline

Origin of Complaints

A pie chart shows the number of complaints to the College by origin: Registrar’s complaints including school board notifications, members of the public and members of the College. Long description follows.

Registrar's complaints, including school board notifications: 316

Members of the public: 266

Members of the College: 43

Total: 625

Disposition of Complaints

A bar chart shows the number of complaints to the College, by year from 2011 to 2020, that went to the Investigation Committee, the Discipline Committee, the Fitness to Practise Committee and the Executive Committee. Long description follows.

In 2011: Investigation Committee 189, Discipline Committee 37, Fitness to Practise Committee 3, Executive Committee 0

In 2012: Investigation Committee 255, Discipline Committee 41, Fitness to Practise Committee 4, Executive Committee 1

In 2013: Investigation Committee 303, Discipline Committee 80, Fitness to Practise Committee 8, Executive Committee 1

In 2014: Investigation Committee 385, Discipline Committee 102, Fitness to Practise Committee 4, Executive Committee 1

In 2015: Investigation Committee 385, Discipline Committee 91, Fitness to Practise Committee 12, Executive Committee 1

In 2016: Investigation Committee 264, Discipline Committee 93, Fitness to Practise Committee 13, Executive Committee 3

In 2017: Investigation Committee 347, Discipline Committee 92, Fitness to Practise Committee 15, Executive Committee 4

In 2018: Investigation Committee 420, Discipline Committee 62, Fitness to Practise Committee 10, Executive Committee 0

In 2019: Investigation Committee 441, Discipline Committee 101 Fitness to Practise Committee 14, Executive Committee 2

In 2020: Investigation Committee 342, Discipline Committee 88, Fitness to Practise Committee 12, Executive Committee 0