Election Committee

The Election Committee is a special committee of Council that reviews the regulations and procedures governing Council elections with a view to increase member and voter participation in the 2012 election.

In 2011, the Election Committee continued with preparations for the next election of Council members to be held on April 10, 2012. Twenty-three Council members will be elected to Council and represent six regions, seven school systems, principals and vice-principals, supervisory officers, private schools and faculties of education.

The recommendation from the Election Committee, approved by Council in 2011, to facilitate the nomination process for candidates by reducing the number of required nominators from 10 to two was forwarded to the Minister of Education. The proposed regulation change was not available for the 2012 nomination process.

The Election Committee approved new communication opportunities for candidates for the 2012 election including candidate blogs and an online forum.

At the request of Council, the Election Committee investigated the possible designation of certain Council positions. In December 2011, based on a recommendation from the committee, Council agreed to request that the Minister of Education designate one of the appointed positions on Council for a First Nations, Métis or Inuit appointee.

The Election Committee also initiated research into the eligibility requirements for the elected private school position on Council and the length of term of service for all Council members. The committee will be considering feedback from education stakeholders and members of the College on these issues in 2012.