Committees at Work

Accreditation Appeal Committee

The Accreditation Appeal Committee hears appeal applications from teacher education providers whose programs have been denied accreditation or awarded accreditation with conditions.

The appeal process ensures pre-service programs and in-service courses are accredited fairly by allowing those who appeal to present new information and request to have the decision reviewed.

At its May 23, 2014, meeting, which followed its first accreditation appeal in the previous year, the Accreditation Appeal Committee approved several regulatory amendments to its governing regulation, Regulation 347/02 (Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs), in order to streamline the appeal process for pre-service programs. The most significant of these new amendments is the ability for a provider of a pre-service program to choose between a written review of the appeal or a hearing of the appeal.

At its June 12–13, 2014, meeting, Council approved these regulatory amendments to the accreditation appeal process. The amendments were subsequently approved by the Minister of Education and were filed on December 1, 2014. The amendments will take effect on September 1, 2015.  

There were no appeals received by the committee in 2014.


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