Committees at Work

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee is a special committee of Council. In June, Council approved an amendment to the College bylaws to allow the Executive Committee to consider candidates for filling statutory, regulatory, standing and special committee vacancies instead of going through the Nomination Committee. This amendment streamlined the appointment process. 

As a result of the amended committee mandate, the committee met only once to make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding committee membership position vacancies.

During the term of the Council, the committee reviews and makes recommendations regarding elected-member Council positions as vacancies occur. In 2014, the committee twice interviewed prospective candidates for positions left vacant by Council members. The committee recommended the appointment of Merzak Damou, OCT, to fill the French-Language Public Board Elementary or Secondary position and recommended the appointment of Evie Basztyk-Benishek, OCT, to fill the Southeast Region Full-Time position.

The Nomination Committee investigated the rationale and process for creating a Governance Committee of Council with a mandate focused on risk management and overall corporate governance. In October, Council approved that effective July 1, 2015, the Nomination Committee will be combined with the Election Committee to form the new Governance Committee. The mandate of the Nomination Committee will be part of this new Council committee.

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