
Transition Supervisory Officer’s Message

Paul Boniferro

The Evolution of Self-Regulation 

Long-recommended Council changes to the College’s governance structure have arrived in the form of Bill 229, which the provincial government passed last December.

The changes will increase student protection and improve how the teaching profession is governed in Ontario. These significant legislative changes support what’s happening around the world in board governance.

I am pleased to have been appointed by the provincial government as a Transition Supervisory Officer for the College to oversee the transition to the new Council and committees. My role is to ensure that the move to a new governance structure is smooth, efficient and timely.

The new, smaller Council will continue its good work in the service of the public interest, aided by the independent work of committees and panels.

Self-regulation evolves. The new governance structure will create greater opportunities for College members and members of the public across the province to become involved in the work of the College on panel rosters, committees and Council.

The College’s new governance process is in line with what is happening globally, where we are seeing a greater focus on achieving a balance of public and professional representation. This helps to ensure those in Council and committee roles have the appropriate skills and competencies to do the job.

The new structure also means:

  • Council and committee members will have staggered terms and will be able to serve for up to six consecutive years;
  • a selection-based appointment process will replace an election;
  • a subcommittee of Council will make recommendations regarding future appointments to Council, committees and rosters of panellists;
  • the subcommittee will also recommend the appointment of public appointees to government; and
  • committee chairs will be appointed to one-year renewable terms.

Teachers will always have a say in the regulation of their profession. The Council will continue to pass bylaws and recommend changes to regulation and legislation that serve students and uphold the high standards of professionalism in teaching.

Members of the profession will continue to participate in discipline panels — along with public members — and will continue to fairly adjudicate matters in the public interest in a timely fashion.

If you are a member of the public or the teaching profession in Ontario and want to grow as a leader, and develop skills in governing your profession in the public interest, look for these new opportunities in the coming months.

Paul Boniferro
Transition Supervisory Officer