Historical Statistics
The following statistics — which provide historical data — are available in Microsoft Excel format (save files to computer before opening them).
Membership in the College
- Geographic Distribution of Members
- Individuals Appearing on the Public Register
- Total Number of Members in Good Standing
- Where Members are Employed (Based on Fee Payment Information)
Membership Demographics
- Average Age of Members
- Median Age of Female Members
- Median Age of Male Members
- Median Age of X Members
Applications for Membership
- Number of Members Certified by Year
- Total Number of Applicants Currently within the Registration Process (Active and Inactive)
- Total Number of Applicants who met College Requirements but did not become Members
- Total Number of Applications for Membership Denied
- Total Number of Applications for Membership
- Total Number of New Teacher Induction Program Completions Annually
- Total Number of Registration Appeals Rendered-Received Annually
- Total Number of Successful Applications for Membership
Teacher Education of College Members
- Total Number of Members by Country of Initial Certification (excluding US and Canada)
- Total Number of Members by Ontario Faculty of Education
- Total Number of Members by Province of Initial Certification
- Total Number of Members by US State of Initial Certification
- Total Number of New Members by Country of Initial Certification Annually (excluding US and Canada)
- Total Number of New Members by Ontario Faculty of Education Annually
- Total Number of New Members by Province of Initial Certification Annually
- Total Number of New Members by US State of Initial Certification Annually
Qualifications of College Members
- Additional Basic Qualifications Held by Members - 2020
- Additional Basic Qualifications Held by Members - 2019
- Basic Qualification Division Level of New Members
- Basic Qualification of All Members by Teaching Subject Annually (JI and IS)
- Basic Qualification of New Members by Teaching Subject Annually (JI and IS)
- Members with Principal Qualifications by Gender
- Members with Supervisory Officer Qualification by Gender
- Number of Submitted AQ Courses by Provider Accredited Annually
- Technological Qualifications Held by Members
- Total Number of Additional Qualifications Awarded Annually by Subject
- Total Number of Additional Qualifications Awarded Annually
- Total Number of Additional Qualifications Taken by Subject